A first in transportation in Sakarya: Free transportation for primary and secondary school students

Primary and secondary school students in Sakarya now have free transportation to schools with the project carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality.

İhlas Haber Ajansı

İhlas Haber Ajansı

5 Jun, 2024

aw220446 08

Primary and secondary school students in Sakarya now have free transportation to schools with the project carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality.

High school and university students can benefit from transportation with a 54 percent discount. The application, which will turn into a financial gain for students and their parents, has won the satisfaction of the citizens. Muhammed Bera Koç, a 7th grade student, said, “The money I will pay for the bus will stay in my pocket, I will save it and I will be able to buy different things for myself.”

One of the election promises of Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Yusuf Alemdar, free of charge for primary and secondary school students and 54 percent discount for high school and university students started on Monday, June 3. Students who go to Card 54 Personalization Offices and have their cards updated will be able to benefit from free and discounted transportation one day later. The free transportation tariff for primary-secondary school students and 54 percent discount for high school-university students, which came to the parliament with the proposal of Mayor Alemdar and approved, will turn into financial gain for students and their families. The application, which was implemented to facilitate the lives of citizens by reducing their costs and to contribute to the economy, was welcomed with satisfaction.