Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya announced that 5 different criminal organizations have been broken down in “Well-5” operations in Hatay, Ankara, Çankırı and Konya. As a result of the operations, 57 suspects, including 4 ringleaders, were arrested.
According to the information shared by Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya, under the coordination of the General Directorate of Security KOM Directorate; “Well-5” operations were organized by the Provincial Security Directorates KOM Branch Directorates in Hatay, Ankara, Çankırı and Konya.
During the operations, 5 separate organized crime organizations led by Ömer Kartopu in central Hatay, Ali Ak in Iskenderun, Hatay, Alper Aksoy in Ankara, Recep Armağan in Çankırı and Faris Çokkaynar, who is currently in prison in Konya, have been broken down.
At the end of the operations, 57 suspects, including 4 ringleaders, were arrested. Suspects who are members of organized crime organizations; organized armed attacks against criminal groups that they saw as rivals and with whom they were in a territorial dispute, attempted to loot the complainants by beating and threatening them, kidnapped the complainants at gunpoint and demanded money from their families, intervened in the debt and credit issues between the persons, threatened the persons with whom they had enmity due to drug trafficking, made the complainants sign promissory notes in irregular ways and methods, It was determined that they used force and violence to collect debt and prevent people from filing a complaint, they made the complainants indebted with high interest rates by usury and threatened people who could not pay their debts, they defrauded customers in the industrial site, used force and violence against customers who objected, threatened and insulted them, and made unfair gains by trading drugs and weapons.