Domestic and international sacrifice slaughter fees announced

Ali Erbaş, President of Religious Affairs, announced that the price of sacrifice by proxy has been determined for 2024.



14 May, 2024

Yeni Proje 1 1

Ali Erbaş, President of Religious Affairs, announced that the price of sacrifice by proxy has been determined for 2024. According to the announcement, the domestic slaughter fee was determined as 11 thousand 750 liras and the slaughter fee abroad was determined as 4 thousand 750 liras.

Erbaş made important statements at the Sacrifice by Proxy Organization Promotion Meeting held at the Presidency Conference Hall. Stating that the purpose of human creation is to know and worship Allah Almighty, Erbaş emphasized that the worship of sacrifice, which has existed since the Prophet Adam and symbolized by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ismail, is an expression of the quest to gain Allah’s consent and to reach the good, the beautiful and the truth.

Stating that sacrifice is a symbol of Tawhid, piety and submission, Erbaş underlined that “the love for Allah is above all other loves”. He stated that the worship of sacrifice reinforces the consciousness of gratitude to Allah and the virtue of helping others.

Erbaş stated that the worship of sacrifice is also a strong ground of wahdat and helps to strengthen the ummah consciousness and solidarity among Muslims.

He said that it contributes to the development of the spirit of sacrifice.

Stating that the Religious Foundation of Turkey has realized an exemplary service on sacrifice by proxy, Erbaş said that they aim to help citizens who want to have their sacrifices slaughtered by proxy and to fulfill the social dimension of sacrifice worship in the best way.

Finally, he stated that citizens can benefit from various methods to give their qurban proxies and that qurban donation stands will be established in all provinces.

It was announced that the price of this year’s sacrifice by proxy was determined as 11 thousand 750 liras domestically and 4 thousand 750 liras abroad. Citizens will be able to donate through the official website of the Turkish Religious Foundation or through various banks and PTT branches.