“Financial literacy” of industrialists will be increased

İbrahim Ömer Gönül, CMB stated that with the protocol they signed with OSBÜK, they aim to provide financial literacy training to all employees employed in OSBs.

Anadolu Ajansı

Anadolu Ajansı

14 Jun, 2024


İbrahim Ömer Gönül, CMB stated that with the protocol they signed with OSBÜK, they aim to provide financial literacy training to all employees employed in OSBs.

The cooperation protocol between the CMB and OSBÜK to promote financial literacy was signed at a ceremony held at the TOBB Twin Towers.

In his speech at the ceremony, CMB Chairman İbrahim Ömer Gönül said that OIZs play an extremely important role in the economy.

Gönül said, “Industry means production. Industries play a very important role in the development of our country. Finance is the backbone of industries. For this reason, the power and circulation of capital markets is very important in the development of industries.”

Emphasizing that they aim to raise awareness in all segments of society with the “Financial Literacy Platform”, which is Turkey’s financial literacy base, Gönül said:

“With the protocol we signed with OSBÜK, we aim to provide financial literacy training to all employees employed in OIZs. We are also planning trainings for trainers in OIZs. In financial literacy, financial knowledge, financial attitude and financial behavior are very important. With the trainings we will provide, we will try to ensure that the target groups to be determined have knowledge and have the right attitude and behavior.”

Pointing out that there are tens of thousands of companies in OIZs, Gönül said that they will work with these companies in the field of financial literacy.

“Compared to developed countries, we see that our capital markets still have a long way to go,” Gönül said, adding that they hope companies will benefit more from capital markets and the partnership culture will become more widespread.

“Financial literacy is as important as production”

OSBÜK Chairman Memiş Kütükcü stated that financial literacy is a critical awareness issue that concerns every segment of society.

Pointing out that the number one item on the agenda of businesses is financial management, especially after the Covid-19 process that started in 2020 and the extraordinary increases in costs, Kütükçü stated that financial management and literacy are as important as production for businesses.

Noting that there is no city in Turkey without an OIZ, Kütükçü said:

“Currently, 403 industrial zones in 81 provinces are either in production or in the planning or expropriation phase. Our OIZs, where 67 thousand factories produce, realize 45 percent of the total industrial production of our country and provide direct employment to 2 million 600 thousand people. Every effort to increase the financial literacy of our OIZ community is also an important step towards improving the productivity of Turkish industry. We believe that a financially conscious society will build a more stable growing and developing economy.”