Germany is looking for a machinist with a salary of 140 thousand TL!

Deutsche Bahn, the giant of the transportation sector in Germany, is looking for qualified personnel to provide qualified solutions to the problems in transportation.



29 May, 2024

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Deutsche Bahn, the giant of the transportation sector in Germany, is looking for qualified personnel to provide qualified solutions to the problems in transportation. The company brings experts from abroad. The company is recruiting mechanics from Tunisia and electronics specialists from Turkey. In Germany, machinists earn an average salary of 4 thousand euros, while electronics workers earn an average monthly salary of 3900 euros.

Deutsche Bahn (DB), Germany’s largest railway company, has turned to recruiting from abroad because it cannot realize the targeted transportation transformation without a sufficient number of machinists and transportation experts. At the end of 2019, Deutsche Bahn set up a special department for recruiting workers from abroad.

In the last three years, nearly 700 specialists have been contracted as a result of targeted recruitment from abroad.

In this context, mainly mechanics from Tunisia and Egypt and electronics specialists from Turkey joined Deutsche Bahn.

30 thousand people employment plan

Deutsche Bahn plans to hire around 30,000 new employees this year, DW Turkish reports. According to Allianz Pro Schiene, the association of railway companies, 5,000 to 10,000 additional mechanics are needed every year to ensure the successful transformation of transport, which is also important for the environment and climate protection. Currently, however, only 1,000 to 2,000 new employees can be hired annually.

Kerstin Wagner, Head of Human Resources at Deutsche Bahn, emphasized that the German labor market is changing dramatically and that immigration is an important part of the solution. Wagner said that in 2023 alone, more than 350 specialists from abroad were recruited to start work in 2024.

In addition to machinists, electronics, rail workers, civil engineers, truck and bus drivers and pavement installers are also being sought.

In Germany, machinists earn an average monthly salary of 4,000 euros (140,000 liras) and electronics workers 3,900 euros.

Labor shortage in the transportation sector is growing

A study by the Talent Center (Kofa) of the German Institute of Economics (IW) has shown that there is a growing shortage of qualified workers in transport professions in Germany. The Association of German Transport Companies has also repeatedly highlighted the urgent need for bus and tram drivers. The union reported that the shortage of drivers in these areas has led to a reduction in bus services in Berlin.

DB announced in a statement that 13 Egyptian mechanics will start working for DB Regio Bayern next June. The Egyptian mechanics took language courses and vocational training in Cairo and Munich.

State-owned DB is one of the most reliable employers in Germany with high job security.