How much is the USD/TL today?

Investors and citizens are curious about the latest and up-to-date data on gold and foreign exchange rates, which are closely followed by investors and citizens to dominate the domestic and foreign markets.



5 Jun, 2024

Investors and citizens are curious about the latest and up-to-date data on gold and foreign exchange rates, which are closely followed by investors and citizens to dominate the domestic and foreign markets. So, how many lira are dollar – Euro prices today? What are the current dollar prices? Here are the exchange rate prices for Wednesday, June 5, 2024…

Those who want to learn the current prices of the dollar and Euro, which have important effects on economic and financial decisions, search for questions such as “How many TL in Euro?” and “How many TL in 1 Dollar?” in search engines.

Here are the dollar and Euro prices for Wednesday, June 5, 2024…

How much are Dollar/TL and Euro/TL today?

As of 07:15, Dollar/TL is trading at 32.6177 (buying) 32.6322 (selling), while the Euro is hovering at 35.5267 TL as of the same hour.