Jellyfish block Bengisu Avcı Molokai Channel crossing

Ultra-marathon swimmer Bengisu Avcı failed to make the Molokai Channel crossing in Hawaii, the fifth stage of her “7 Oceans” route, due to jellyfish contact.



14 May, 2024

bengisu avci molokai kanali gecisini tamamlayamadi

Ultra-marathon swimmer Bengisu Avcı failed to make the Molokai Channel crossing in Hawaii, the fifth stage of her “7 Oceans” route, due to jellyfish contact.

Ultra-marathon swimmer Bengisu Avcı was exposed to Manowar jellyfish in the last hours of the 45-kilometer course and had to get on the boat. Avcı, who swam on her back about 1-2 hours before the finish, stopped swimming after the strongest contact. He was treated and reported to be in good health.

It was reported that the date of the Molakai course of Avcı, who will try to cross the North Channel at the end of this year and Tsugaru at the beginning of 2025, will be clarified later.

In the statement, Avcı thanked everyone for their support and said, “Ocean waters are not ours, but the habitat of sea creatures. There was a situation in the nature of this sport. I will continue to fight, and the jellyfish will surely allow me.”