No appointment for 15 days for those who give consent and do not show up

MHRS Confirmed Appointment period starts today. From now on, those who make an appointment must confirm their appointment by 20:00 the day before.



13 May, 2024


MHRS Confirmed Appointment period starts today. From now on, those who make an appointment must confirm their appointment by 20:00 the day before. People who confirm their appointment but do not go will be restricted from making a new appointment for the same branch for 15 days. Here are all the curious things about the MHRS Confirmed Appointment period…

The Confirmed Appointment period in the Central Physician Appointment System (MHRS) started today.

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, the number of missed appointments last year reached 81 million. Therefore, 30 percent of the appointment capacity could not be used.

The new practice was implemented to prevent this situation.

Here are 10 questions and answers about the MHRS Approved Appointment period…

1- What is the Confirmed Appointment System?

The Confirmed Appointment System will ensure that the capacity left empty after canceled appointments is used for patients waiting for service.


2- Approval will be required for appointment

The day before the appointment date, by 20:00 p.m., people will need to confirm their appointment or notify that they will be unable to attend. Consent can be given through all channels, including the website, mobile application and ALO 182 call center.

3- Can the confirmed appointment be canceled?

Cancellations can be made via website, mobile application and ALO 182 call center until 20.00 one day before the appointment date.

4- What happens if the appointment is not confirmed?

The appointment of those who do not confirm their appointment until the last confirmation time will be canceled by the system.

5- If the appointment is not kept, 15 days will be blocked

People who confirm an appointment but do not show up will be restricted from making a new appointment for the same specialty for 15 days. However, they will be able to receive services from health institutions affiliated to the Ministry without an appointment.

6- Will people who do not confirm or cancel their appointments be able to receive services from the hospital they applied to the next day?

Appointments on which no action has been taken will be automatically canceled at 20.00 the day before. In this case, the person will be able to make another appointment or receive services from health facilities without an appointment.

7- Is approval mandatory for all appointments?

Confirmation will be mandatory for all appointments made for three days or more, but appointments made within two days prior to the examination date will automatically be considered confirmed. For example, an appointment made on May 22 or 23 for May 24 will automatically be considered confirmed.

8- Who is exempt?

Patients over the age of 65 and cancer patients will be exempt from this practice in the confirmed appointment system. Patients in this group will be able to make appointments at any time.

9- What will be the procedure when a situation arises that prevents the patient from attending an appointment?

The appointment can be canceled even if it has been confirmed by the person or automatically. People who do not cancel their confirmed appointment until 20:00 and do not attend their appointment will be restricted from making a new appointment for the same branch for 15 days. However, people will be able to receive services from health facilities without an appointment.

10- Can new appointments be made when an appointment is automatically canceled?

People whose appointments were automatically canceled because they were not confirmed will be able to reschedule their appointments. No restrictions will be applied. Appointments that are automatically canceled and become vacant as of 20.00 will be given priority to those who request them.