Number of motor vehicles in Antalya was 1 million 498 thousand 295

The number of motor vehicles in Antalya was 1 million 498 thousand 295 as of May 2024, of which 682 thousand 635 were automobiles.

İhlas Haber Ajansı

İhlas Haber Ajansı

26 Jun, 2024

20240626aw234189 0

The number of motor vehicles in Antalya was 1 million 498 thousand 295 as of May 2024, of which 682 thousand 635 were automobiles.

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) shared Motor Land Vehicles statistics for May 2024. Motorcycles accounted for 47.9 percent, cars 38.5 percent, small trucks 7.5 percent, tractors 3.5 percent, trucks 1.7 percent, minibuses 0.5 percent, buses 0.3 percent and special purpose vehicles 0.1 percent of the vehicles registered in May in Turkey.

Again in May, the number of vehicles registered to traffic increased by 61.5 percent in special purpose vehicles, 38.8 percent in buses, 38.2 percent in cars, 31.1 percent in trucks, 26.2 percent in minibuses, 25.7 percent in tractors, 25.6 percent in vans and 4.4 percent in motorcycles compared to the previous month.

Number in Antalya was 1 million 498 thousand 295

As of May 2024, the number of motor vehicles in Antalya was 1 million 498 thousand 295, of which 682 thousand 635 were automobiles. In Isparta, 96 thousand 167 of them were automobiles 217 thousand 921, and in Burdur, this number was 166 thousand 619, 63 thousand 374 of which were automobiles.