Özgür Özel We will never allow millions of lives to be slaughtered

CHP Chairman Özgür Özel responded to President Erdoğan’s statement on stray animals and said, “Let no one threaten anyone; we will never allow millions of lives to be slaughtered in these lands with someone’s decision.”



30 May, 2024

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CHP Chairman Özgür Özel responded to President Erdoğan’s statement on stray animals and said, “Let no one threaten anyone; we will never allow millions of lives to be slaughtered in these lands with someone’s decision.” Özel also emphasized that an “Animal Rights Fund” should be established.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a statement on the draft law on animals living on the streets, saying, “We wanted to solve the number of stray dogs with the ‘catch-neuter-release’ method. But this was not a solution. With the bill, for which preparations are underway, care homes will be established immediately in places where there are no dog care homes. Stray animals will be kept in these care homes. There will also be campaigns for adoption. Adopted animals will be sterilized, vaccinated, chipped, handed over to their owners, and then closely monitored. We want all our animals taken to shelters to be adopted. We believe that especially our animal lovers will take more responsibility by adopting the dogs in the shelter in this process. If we can achieve this, we think there will be no need for the next step (putting to sleep).”

CHP Chairman Özel responded to Erdoğan’s statement today.

“It should be started as soon as possible in 973 districts in 81 provinces”

“We would like not to see the next step in the AKP’s proposed law. It is clear what the next step is. No one should threaten anyone with the next step. Let no one try to prepare a psychological and social ground for the next step. The work to be done is to start the sterilization campaign, which should have been done as soon as possible with the will of the state and which has been postponed until today, in 973 districts in 81 provinces as soon as possible. For those who say there are no resources, I remind the 101st page of the parliamentary research commission report that their own MPs signed 4 days ago.

“Animal Right Fund needs to be established”

Taxes need to contribute to this fund. There should be contributions from horse racing, Spor Toto, lottery. This fund should also be used for sterilization. Sir, what is done is done, if it is not done, it is the last resort… Death is not the last resort. When death is mentioned, everyone in this land gets goosebumps and says God rest their souls. It is not the job of mortals to bring forward the time of death. We will never allow millions of lives to be slaughtered in this land by someone’s decision.”