Phenomenal shepherd’s love for animals makes you smile

The dialog of the phenomenal shepherd from Erzurum with two baby goats made the audience laugh.

İhlas Haber Ajansı

İhlas Haber Ajansı

29 May, 2024

hayvan sevgisi fenomen

The dialog of the phenomenal shepherd from Erzurum with two baby goats made the audience laugh.

Şahin Dürlü, who lives in Erzurum’s Tortum district, draws attention with his love for nature and animals. Şahin Dürlü, who works as a shepherd and animal husbandry in his village, shares posts about nature and animal love on social media from time to time. Dürlü, who last shared the video he took with two goat babies he carried in a sack, became the center of attention. Explaining that he loves the animals he owns as much as his children and his life, Dürlü said, “Everything living in nature is precious to me. While taking my herd to graze, I carried two newborn baby goats on my back with a sack. From time to time I take them out and love them. They are my everything.”

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