Sacrifice information can be accessed with the “Agriculture in My Pocket” application

With the Agriculture in My Pocket application, our citizens can check the animals they will buy.



22 May, 2024

tarim bakanligi kurban app

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı said, “With the Agriculture in My Pocket application, our citizens can check the animals they will buy. The genealogy of the animal can be seen in a very short time.”

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı stated that the ministry has accelerated its work for the Feast of Sacrifice and said, “With the Tarım Cebimde application, our citizens can check the animals they will buy. The genealogy of the animal can be seen in a very short time.”

According to the written statement made by the Ministry, the “Agriculture in My Pocket” application allows citizens to inquire whether the sacrificial animals they want to buy have the necessary conditions and vaccinations.

With the application, details and vaccination information about bovine and ovine animals can be accessed by entering the ear tag numbers of the sacrificial animals.

Sacrificial animal inquiry is carried out in 3 steps

Sacrifice inquiry can be performed in 3 steps through the application. Accordingly, it is first necessary to download the “Agriculture in My Pocket” application to the mobile phone.

From the main menu of “animal production” open to everyone, the sub-menu “ear tag inquiry” is selected, after selecting bovine or ovine animals in the menu, the ear tag number of the animal to be purchased is entered and the “inquiry” button is clicked.

In the results, all information about the animal’s age, species, breed and vaccinations can be seen.

“Citizens should notify the authorities when they see non-compliance”

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Yumaklı also warned citizens to follow the rules when buying sacrifices.

Stating that the Ministry has accelerated its work for the Feast of Sacrifice and that they will work with precision until the last day of the feast, Yumaklı said, “All relevant units of our Ministry will be on the field, but at the point where our teams are not available, our citizens can check the animals they will buy with the ‘Agriculture in My Pocket’ application. The genealogy of the animal can be seen in a very short time.”

Yumaklı noted that it is important for citizens to notify the authorities when they see nonconformities when buying sacrifices.

Source: AA