Stringent measures to be taken in teacher candidate interviews

The Ministry of National Education is introducing a new system for teacher appointments.



14 May, 2024

The Ministry of National Education is introducing a new system for teacher appointments. From now on, 50 percent of the KPSS score and 50 percent of the interview will be taken into account in teacher appointments. However, with this change, strict measures will be taken in the interview process based on objective criteria.

First of all, there will be no prior information about the candidates and the members of the exam commission during the interview process. Each candidate will be given a special code defined via e-Government and this code will be included in the exam entry documents. Thus, commission members will not be able to access the candidates’ identity information and the scoring will only be based on this code.

It will also be possible to find out which commission members the teacher candidates will take the oral exam with on the day of the exam. In the oral exam, candidates will face questions from an electronically prepared question bank and will give their answers both orally and in writing. This process

will be recorded with a camera.

Strict precautions will be applied in the test centers as in the written exams. Candidates without a valid exam entry document will not be allowed to take the exam and will not be allowed to enter the exam hall with electronic devices.

The Ministry of National Education will prepare information guides for prospective teachers in each branch. These guides will include the curriculum information for the grade level that the candidates will be responsible for and all other processes in detail.

These regulations aim to ensure a fairer and more objective process in teacher appointments. With these measures, it is aimed to increase the quality of education by evaluating the skills and knowledge levels of teacher candidates more accurately.