Stubble Fire in Bursa

Stubble fire in Bursa spreads to forest including BUU campus

Demirören Haber Ajansı

Demirören Haber Ajansı

1 Jul, 2024

In Bursa, a stubble fire spread to the forest, including the campus of Bursa Uludağ University.Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı stated in a post on his social media account that the forest fire in Bursa has been brought under control and said, “Our cooling works continue in the fire in Nilüfer district, which has been brought under control as a result of the intensive work of our teams from the air and on the ground. Get well soon to our Green Bursa and all citizens of Bursa.”

The fire broke out around 14:00 in the area where stubble was burned in Yolçatı neighborhood of Nilüfer district. The flames grew in a short time with the effect of the wind. While the smoke rising from the area, where animal farms are also located, was seen from many points of the city, fire brigade, Forestry Directorate, police and health teams were dispatched to the area upon notification. While the flames spread to the forest, including the campus of Bursa Uludağ University, the teams continue to intervene in the fire.


In Bursa, the stubble fire that spread to the forest, including the campus of Bursa Uludag University (BUU), continues to be intervened by land and air.

The fire is being fought by 27 vehicles belonging to the Forest Management Directorate teams and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department.

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı

While 1 helicopter belonging to the Provincial Gendarmerie Command also started to intervene from the air, Bursa Governor Mahmut Demirtaş told DHA reporter on the phone, “We are currently intervening from the air with 1 helicopter belonging to our gendarmerie. The helicopter of the Regional Directorate of Forestry is also being dispatched to the region.

Teams are making intense efforts to prevent the flames from spreading to the buildings inside the campus. They are working to bring the fire under control as soon as possible.”

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


In Bursa, 150 personnel from the ground and 4 helicopters from the air continue to intervene in the stubble fire that spread to the forest, including the campus of Bursa Uludağ University (BUU). Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey, who went to the Uludağ University campus and followed the extinguishing works on the spot, said, “Hopefully, we will bring this fire under control in a short time and we will all be relieved. It is actually in a really big area; the fire is going on right now.

It is spreading with the effect of the wind. Of course, our fire brigade teams, 16 fire brigade teams, around 20 tankers, land rovers, nearly 40 vehicles in total are currently in the area. Again, our machines, dozers are also in the area. But on the other hand, we see that the fire is progressing due to the throwing of cones. This makes us all sad. We are trying to stop it now. Nearly 150 personnel are on the ground, 4 helicopters, airplanes and helicopters are constantly providing support. But we see that it has not been stopped yet. Hopefully, in a short time, we hope that if the wind slows down a little, we will be able to prevent it and we hope that we will be saved from a major incident.”


Drawing attention to the fact that the fire started with the burning of stubble, Bozbey said, “I would like to ask you again. This fire started around 14.26 today, and at the point where it started, it is stated that it started with a garbage dumping and then the burning of garbage. Research will be done. But here is what we ask from our citizens. I always say it, I said it in the last parliament. Please, please let’s love nature, let’s protect nature. Therefore, let’s not light fires in such areas. Let’s intervene in those who light fires. And moreover, let’s not leave anything like glass anywhere. We know that fires break out because of these things. Scientists say these things openly. So get well soon again. We are following up. We are already in the area right now. We will share information with you moment by moment,” he said.

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


Pointing out that the fire was burning in the area where pine trees were located and that the fire grew as the cones spread around, Bozbey said that the animals on the campus were evacuated to safe areas. Bozbey stated that student dormitories will also be evacuated and said:

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı

“It’s now moving through the pine zone. And it’s in a very dense pine area. There are oak sections in between. But it passes through them with cones. Unfortunately, we are sad to see it being transferred to other pine areas. There was an area where the veterinary office, especially horses and animals were kept. The horses were released there. But other animals were also released, but it is not possible to predict what happened at the moment. Because the fire came there suddenly. Then, of course, there are dormitories. There is a problem with the dormitories at the moment. There is a question of evacuation of the dormitories. Those instructions have also been given. Dormitories will be evacuated right now. We are taking precautions. That is our effort right now so that nothing happens to people. But we want nothing to happen to any living thing. Therefore, we are struggling to stop the fire as soon as possible.”

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


In Bursa, 150 personnel from the ground and 4 helicopters from the air continued to intervene in the stubble fire that spread to the forest in Bursa Uludağ University (BUU) campus, while construction equipment and TOMAs were also dispatched to the region.

While the fire, which broke out in the forest of pine and oak trees, could not be brought under control due to the wind, the Forestry Management Directorate teams intervening in the flames and journalists covering the fire were saved at the last moment from being caught in the rapidly advancing flames. The moments of panic were captured on a cell phone camera.


The fire in the forest, including the campus of Bursa Uludağ University (BUU), continues. While both ground and air intervention continues to prevent the fire from reaching the buildings, student dormitories on the campus have also been evacuated.

Students gathered their belongings and came with their suitcases to the mosque construction site on the campus, which was designated as the gathering area. Animals, especially horses, were also evacuated from the campus.

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


In Bursa, 4 airplanes, 4 helicopters, 74 land vehicles, 24 construction and service machines and 217 personnel are working to control the fire in the forest in Bursa Uludağ University (BUU) campus. It is learned that patients who were treated at Bursa Uludag University Hospital, which is located on the campus, were discharged. While the flames are far from the hospital building, teams are on alert for the evacuation of patients in case of a possible risk.


Bursa Governor Mahmut Demirtaş, who follows the work in the crisis center established and in the field, said in a statement on his social media account, “Our intervention to the forest fire that occurred in Yolçatı Neighborhood of Nilüfer district of our province continues. Our teams are rapidly intervening in the fire in question and continue their extinguishing efforts.

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı

Together with our citizens, our forestry organization, all public institutions and organizations have mobilized to extinguish the fire from the ground and air. I would like to remind again the importance of our citizens to be sensitive against forest fires.

I invite our citizens to be sensitive and careful about not entering the forest areas prohibited by our governorship, not burning stubble, avoiding the use of fire in vineyard, garden and greenhouse cleaning works, not leaving garbage, cigarette butts, etc. on the roadsides that may cause fire, paying attention to warnings and communicating the negativities seen to 112 Emergency Call Center. I convey my get well wishes to all our fellow citizens.”


Horses and cattle in the farms on the university campus were also released due to the approaching flames. The panic experienced by the animals was captured on a cell phone camera.


The fire in the forest in Bursa, including the campus of Bursa Uludag University (BUU), was partially under control after 6 hours, with 4 airplanes, 4 helicopters, 74 land vehicles, 24 construction and service machines and 217 personnel. Bursa Governor Mahmut Demirtaş, who followed the work on the spot at the crisis center established, announced that the fire was partially under control. Governor Demirtaş said the following in his statement:


“The fire started at 14.30. With approximately 150 vehicles and nearly a thousand personnel in the field, our extinguishing efforts both from the air and on the ground continue in a very serious way. We have 4 airplanes and 4 helicopters. We will continue cooling efforts even more.

At the moment, the progress of the fire has been stopped. We continue our efforts to bring it under control. And we have also started cooling works. We think that we have hopefully left the danger of the fire behind. It is partially under control now. I hope we will be more relieved after we finish these cooling works.”


Stating that they constantly informed the Ministers of Forestry and Interior about the extinguishing efforts and that the most important factor in the spread of the fire was the strong wind, Demirtaş said, “The biggest factor was the wind. The vehicles and our friends were very active thanks to them, but there was a very strong wind. Of course, this strong wind caused the fire to spread further and further.

But thank God, with the very diligent work of our friends, we can say that the fire is now under control. Both the Minister of Forestry and the Minister of Interior followed every stage of this fire. We informed them every 10-15 minutes. Hopefully, our cooling efforts will continue until morning today. Both from the ground and from the air, our cooling efforts will continue until darkness falls at night.”

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


Stating that investigations are continuing to determine the cause of the fire, Governor Demirtaş said, “We think it is around 700 hectares, but of course not all of it burned. 700 acres, I guess, we think it is less than that. Not all of it is burned, of course it is burning piece by piece. It is a bit impossible to say exactly right now. We will reveal it in the work we will do later. Our investigation continues. Our research continues. Hopefully, if our friends come to a conclusion, we will share it with the public.”

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


Stating that there is no problem with the hospital on the campus and that the student dormitories have been evacuated, Governor Demirtaş said, “There is no risk now. We have no problem with the research hospital. Just as a precaution, you know. We had evacuated our friends upstairs. We sent them to our other dormitories. Both for female students and male students at the moment. We don’t have a serious problem with that either. But today our student friends, young people will stay there. Tomorrow, hopefully, if there is no problem, we will take our students back to their dormitories.”


Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation into the cause of the fire. In the statement made by the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, “An investigation has been initiated by our Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the fire that broke out for an undetermined reason on 30.06.2024 in Nilüfer district of our province. It is respectfully announced to the public that the investigation is being carried out meticulously by our Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and that information will be given about the progress and outcome of the investigation.”

Bursada anız yangını, BUÜ kampüsünün de içinde olduğu ormana sıçradı


Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı, in a post on his social media account, stated that the forest fire in Bursa has been brought under control and said, “Our cooling works continue in the fire in Nilüfer district, which has been brought under control as a result of the intensive work of our teams from the air and on the ground. Get well soon to our Green Bursa and all citizens of Bursa.”


It was announced that a deputy chief public prosecutor and a public prosecutor were assigned within the scope of the investigation initiated by the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. The statement, which stated that camera footage is being examined to determine the cause of the fire, included the following statements:

“Regarding the forest fire that started in Nilüfer district, crime scene investigation, camera and witness investigations are being carried out, and the investigation is being carried out meticulously and multifaceted. As of the current situation, there are no life-threatening injuries or loss of life. It is respectfully announced to the public that the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office will inform about the progress and outcome of the investigation.”