Teacher assignment applications started

Applications for the appointment of 20 thousand contracted teachers will be received electronically by the Ministry of National Education (MEB) from today until May 31.



20 May, 2024

Applications for the appointment of 20 thousand contracted teachers will be received electronically by the Ministry of National Education (MEB) from today until May 31. After the application process, MoNE will announce on June 10, 2024 where the candidates will take the oral exam. So, when is the last day for teacher appointment applications? Where and how to apply for 2024 teacher appointment?

According to the announcement made by the Ministry of National Education, applications for the appointment of 20 thousand contracted teachers will be received electronically between 20-31 May. Candidates who are eligible to participate in the oral exam and exam centers will be announced on June 10. Oral exams will start on July 1.

How to Apply for Teacher Appointment?

Applications for contracted teaching will be made by filling out the Electronic Application Form on ilkatama.meb.gov.tr between May 20-31. Candidates must have scored at least 50 points from the KPSSP10, KPSSP121 and KPSSP120 score types in the 2023 Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS).

Details of the Teacher Appointment Process

Candidates whose applications are approved, starting from the highest score according to the determined score types, three times the number of quotas allocated to the appointment areas will be taken to the oral exam in the exam centers. Oral exam entry documents will be published on the Ministry’s website on June 1 and candidates will be able to obtain these documents with their e-Government passwords.

The application number on the oral exam entry document will be generated by the system during the application process. Candidates will be evaluated on criteria such as educational sciences and general culture, field knowledge, expression ability, communication skills, self-confidence and persuasiveness.

Oral Examination Commission and Evaluation Process

Oral exam commissions will be managed by the provincial directorates of national education where the exam centers are located and will consist of a chairman and two members. Commission members will learn which commission they will be assigned to on the day of the exam. Camera recordings will be taken during the oral exam and the answers of the candidates will be scored with the Candidate Evaluation Form for Contracted Teacher Recruitment Oral Examination.

Candidates will also handwrite and sign their answers to the exam questions on the question-answer sheet. If this is not done, a record will be kept by the commission.

Exam Entrance Documents and Identity Checks

Candidates will be admitted to the exam area with a photo oral exam entrance document and valid identity documents. Candidates who arrive without a valid identity document will not be allowed to take the exam. Identity information will not be shared with anyone, including commission members, after entering the exam building. Oral exam scores will be entered on the Oral Exam Result Screen before the next candidate enters the exam hall.

Teacher Appointment Oral Exam Results

The results of the oral exam will be announced after the exam processes of all candidates are completed. Candidates will be able to learn their results via e-Government with their personal username and password. Candidates who score 60 and above in the oral exam will be considered successful. Oral exams will be held in Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Erzurum, Gaziantep, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Mersin, Samsun, Tekirdağ, Trabzon and Van.