27 Jun, 2024

An incident like a joke in Adana!

Failed to prove the world is flat, applied to name the street “Flat Earth”

27 Jun, 2024

Giant tornado was recorded in Ordu

A tornado formed over the sea in Ordu. Citizens captured the giant tornado with their cell phone cameras.

27 Jun, 2024

Drug operations in 13 provinces: 28 arrests

Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya announced that 83 poison dealers and street vendors were captured and 28 of them were arrested in ‘Narcoçelik-24’ operations organized in 13 provinces. In a statement made on his social media account, Minister Yerlikaya stated that operations were carried out by Provincial Gendarmerie Commands in Adıyaman, Ağrı, Antalya, Bingöl, Diyarbakır, […]

26 Jun, 2024

IBB Mayor Imamoğlu responds to the question of dinner with Kılıçdaroğlu

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu responded to the questions about his meeting with former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu.

26 Jun, 2024

‘Sinan Ateş’ statement by Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç

Making statements before the Sinan Ateş trial, Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç said, “The indictment is publicly available.

26 Jun, 2024

Eid holiday is over, density decreases at tourism spots

While the density decreased by 50 percent with the end of the holiday in Mersin, where the air temperature is normal, many people who come daily cool off by entering the sea

26 Jun, 2024

Record number of tourists arriving in Istanbul in the first 5 months of 2024

Hosted 6 million 923 thousand 768 foreign visitors in the first 5 months of the year, breaking a record both in May and in the 5-month period compared to all years.

26 Jun, 2024

AK Party’s first Foreign Minister Yaşar Yakış dies

Former Foreign Minister Yaşar Yakış, one of the founders of the AK Party, passed away in hospital at the age of 85.

26 Jun, 2024

Near disaster in Izmit Bay

An anchor thrown by a ship into the harbor in Izmit Bay hit the BOTAS pipeline. The gas was cut off at the last moment and disaster was averted.

26 Jun, 2024

IETT horror in Istanbul!

The IETT bus, whose driver allegedly fell asleep at the wheel while going uphill in Kağıthane, hit 4 parked vehicles.
