US raises alert level at some of its military bases in Europe

The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) has raised the alert level at its military bases in several countries in Europe to ensure the safety of military personnel.

Anadolu Ajansı

Anadolu Ajansı

1 Jul, 2024

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The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) has confirmed that the alert level at its military bases in some countries in Europe has been raised as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of military personnel.

The Pentagon sent a written statement to AA on the subject.

The statement said that the US European Command (USEUCOM) continuously assesses various factors affecting the security of the US military community abroad, and as part of this effort, additional steps are often taken to ensure the safety of military personnel.

“We will not take specific measures for operational security reasons, but we will remain vigilant,” the statement said, adding that USEUCOM advises personnel in the European theater to remain vigilant and alert at all times, including reporting suspicious activity, following State Department travel advisories, and implementing prudent personal risk mitigation measures.

USEUCOM, in consultation with host countries, allies and partners, continuously monitors the security environment to ensure that its personnel are informed and that individuals, their families and loved ones are safe, the statement added.

According to information reflected on social media, US military bases in Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Germany were placed on high alert, known as “Force Protection Condition ‘Charlie'”, and it was claimed that this was the highest threat level in the last 10 years.